Top 10 Benefits of Group Therapy

Discover the power of group therapy – a collaborative path to healing and growth. Explore how it aids in mental health and addiction recovery.

What Is Group Therapy?

Group therapy refers to a form of therapy where a small group of individuals with similar struggles gather together under the guidance of a trained therapist. 

This type of therapy is helpful for people dealing with a range of challenges, such as:
  • Borderline personality disorder  
  • Substance use disorder (SUD)
  • Bipolar disorder  
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Trauma

Group therapy sessions can vary in size but typically consist of 8-12 participants.1 Group therapy fosters empathy, understanding, and personal growth. That is why 93% of SUD treatment centers offer group counseling as part of their services.2

Group therapy and individual therapy help address mental health challenges. However, they differ in their goals and benefits. Some of the most common contrasting features among the two include:

A therapist shows compassion

Support and Validation

Group therapy provides individuals with a unique environment for connection. Through sharing their experiences and emotions, group members offer support to each other. This sense of community helps individuals feel understood and less alone in their struggles.
Individual therapy, including adolescent individual therapy services, focuses solely on the client, allowing for a more personalized approach that caters to the unique developmental needs of adolescents alongside other age groups.. The therapist offers a safe space for the client to express themselves. The emphasis is on developing a strong therapeutic relationship based on trust and confidentiality.

Social Skills Development

Group therapy enhances social skills by allowing individuals to interact with others. Through these interactions, people become more confident in social situations. 
Group members can practice: 
  • Effective communication
  • Active listening
  • Expressing emotions
  • Providing constructive feedback
Individual therapy allows for individualized attention to specific social skills that may need improvement. The therapist can address specific challenges, such as assertiveness or conflict resolution. They can provide personalized guidance and strategies for enhancing these skills. 

Perspective and Feedback

Group therapy offers a variety of perspectives and feedback from different people. Individuals may discover new solutions to their problems due to diverse perspectives.3
Group members can:
  • Share alternative viewpoints
  • Challenge each other’s assumptions
  • Provide valuable insights
In contrast to group therapy, individual therapy offers clients focused attention. The therapist can engage in a deeper exploration of the client’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This individualized approach allows an understanding of each client’s unique challenges and needs.

Peer Learning and Role Modeling

Group therapy provides a platform for peer learning and role modeling. Witnessing the progress of others in the group can inspire hope. This motivates individuals to adopt new behaviors and approaches to their own challenges. 
In it, individuals can learn from each other’s:
  • Coping strategies
  • Problem-solving techniques
  • Personal growth experiences
Individual play therapy takes a more individualized approach to learning and growth. The therapist tailors interventions and techniques specifically to the client’s needs. This customized approach allows for targeted skill-building and personal transformation.

What Are the Different Types and Formats of Group Therapy? 

There are various types and formats of group therapy. Each of them is designed to cater to the diverse needs of participants. Some of them are described below:

Psychoeducational Group Therapy

This therapy provides structured education on specific topics related to participants’ concerns. In this type of program, coping strategies and skills are taught by a clinician. 
This helps individuals gain a better understanding of their issues. This way, they can learn practical tools to improve their well-being.4

Dialectical Behavioral Group Therapy (DBT)

DBT combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness strategies. It’s particularly helpful for individuals struggling with:

  • Emotional regulation
  • Self-destructive behaviors
  • Unstable relationships
Participants learn to manage intense emotions and reduce self-destructive actions.

Skills Development Group Therapy

Skills development groups teach specific skills related to common challenges. Participants attend structured sessions to learn:
  • Problem-solving
  • Stress management
  • Emotion regulation
  • Assertiveness
They practice these skills together, building camaraderie and mutual support while growing personally.

Psychotherapy Process Group Therapy

Psychotherapy process groups offer a space for deep self-exploration. Participants explore their emotions, experiences, and relationship patterns. This format fosters personal growth and self-awareness.

Interpersonal Process Group Therapy

Interpersonal process group therapy helps individuals improve their relationships. Participants share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences and get feedback from the group. 
This approach helps people:
  • Gain insights into their relationship patterns
  • Enhance their communication skills
  • Build healthier connections

Support Groups

Support groups create a safe and understanding space for individuals. The main goal is to offer emotional support through shared experiences. Group members provide encouragement and advice to help each other through tough times.

Top 10 Advantages of Group Therapy in Promoting Emotional Healing and Personal Growth

Group therapy is a powerful tool for emotional healing and personal growth. 10 advantages that it provides for individuals include:

Increased Self-Awareness

In group therapy, people learn more about themselves by talking with others in a supportive space. They see how their actions and words affect the group. This helps them understand their strengths, weaknesses, and things that may anger them.
Also, people in the group talk to each other about their thoughts. They get feedback from others that helps them see things they might not know about themselves. 

Honesty and Authenticity

Individuals can be themselves and honest in group therapy because there are no judgments. They find it safe to say what they really feel and think. This honesty helps them heal and grow.
When someone is real and honest in the group, they can talk about their problems, worries, and fears without being afraid of what others will say. This helps them face their problems and grow.


Catharsis means letting out strong emotions and feeling better. In group therapy, people often gain catharsis from the facilitator and other members. Also, when an individual sees someone else feeling better after talking about their feelings, it can help them start the process towards healing as well. 


Accountability in group therapy helps individuals take responsibility for their actions. Knowing that others are watching and supporting them can be a powerful motivator for personal growth.
Individuals who are responsible in the group are also better with other people. This is because they learn how their actions affect others. This helps them grow as a person.


In group therapy, individuals learn that they are not the only ones with their symptoms, as others in the group may have similar issues. This can make them feel less alone and better about themselves. Having a sense of normalcy makes individuals feel better.


Group therapy is a cost-effective way to heal emotionally and grow personally. Individuals in group therapy share the cost of the therapist’s time. This makes it more affordable than one-on-one therapy. It means more people can access the help they need without worrying about finances.

Building Trust and Connection

In group therapy, trust and connection are built over time. People start as strangers but often become like a close-knit family.  Building connections with others in the group provides a support system. This support makes individuals feel less alone in their struggles.


Group therapy empowers individuals to take control of their lives and emotions. In the group, people learn from each other’s stories and successes and see that change is possible. This empowers them to make positive changes in their own lives.
Empowerment in group therapy provides a strong foundation to build a better future. It gives individuals the confidence to face their challenges head-on.

Encourages Empathy and Compassion

Group therapy encourages empathy and compassion towards oneself and others. By hearing the stories of others, individuals can understand different perspectives. This helps them become more compassionate and empathetic.
Empathy and compassion help individuals learn how to support and care for each other. This support boosts emotional healing and personal growth.

Safe Place for Experimentation

Group therapy is a safe space for experimentation and trying new things. In the group, individuals can test new behaviors and ways of thinking. They can see how it feels to be more assertive or open about their feelings. This experimentation helps them discover what works best for them.
The group provides a safety net. If something doesn’t work, individuals can learn from it and try again. A supportive environment allows them to grow and heal through trial and error.

How Do Group Therapists Facilitate a Safe and Supportive Environment Within Group Therapy Sessions?

Group therapists play a crucial role in creating a safe environment within therapy sessions. Here is how they encourage open communication and collaboration:

Creating a Safe Environment

Group therapists play an important role in making therapy safe and supportive. They use different ways to help people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. 
Therapists create a space where people can talk without feeling judged. They show respect to everyone, making sure everyone feels heard. They also stress that what’s said in the group stays in the group.

Encouraging Active Participation

Therapists want everyone to join in and share in group therapy. They use techniques to help everyone have a chance to speak. This way, everyone feels like they can speak up.

Promoting Empathy and Understanding

Therapists use activities to help people understand each other better. They do exercises to make people imagine what others are going through. This helps people feel more connected toward each other.

Active Listening and Reflective Responses

Therapists teach people to listen well during therapy. They show how to pay attention when others talk. They model active listening techniques themselves. This provides reflective responses that validate and acknowledge participants’ feelings and experiences.  

Building a Sense of Community

Therapists want people to work together in the group and plan activities that utilize teamwork. This makes people help each other and work together. It also helps people feel safe sharing their problems and successes.

Promoting Sharing and Feedback

Therapists encourage people to talk and give feedback in group therapy. They want everyone to share their stories and thoughts. Therapists facilitate feedback sessions in which participants provide constructive feedback to others. This promotes growth and personal development.
group therapy

How Can Ethos Wellness Help?

Ethos Wellness is dedicated to providing comprehensive group therapy programs that cater to a wide range of needs. We offer a variety of group therapy services, which include:

Intensive Outpatient Therapy

Ethos Wellness offers intensive outpatient therapy programs that provide a higher level of care. These programs are suitable for individuals who require more structured treatment. 

They often include multiple group therapy sessions per week. This allows participants to focus on their recovery without the need for full-time inpatient treatment.

Skills & Process Groups

Ethos Wellness conducts skills and process groups that focus on various aspects of healing. These groups help participants build essential skills and address specific challenges, such as:
  • Relationship Skills: These groups teach participants how to develop and maintain healthy relationships. Topics may include communication, conflict resolution, and boundary setting.
  • Trauma Healing: Trauma can have a profound impact on mental health. Groups provide a safe space for individuals to process their traumatic experiences and learn coping strategies.
  • Recovery Support: For those dealing with substance use disorders, recovery support groups at Ethos Wellness offer a structured and nurturing environment to aid in the recovery journey.

Psychoeducation Groups For Students

Ethos Wellness recognizes the unique needs of students. That is why we offer specialized psychoeducation groups tailored to their developmental stages:
  • Executive Function Skills (High School Group): These groups focus on cognitive skills vital for high school success. Participants learn techniques for organization, time management, and problem-solving.
  • Social Skills Development (Elementary Group): Ethos Wellness provides elementary students with the opportunity to develop social skills essential for building positive relationships with peers and adults. These skills lay the foundation for healthy social interactions.
  • Middle School Development: Middle school is a critical time of transition. Ethos Wellness offers groups that address the unique challenges and changes adolescents face during this period, such as peer pressure and self-esteem.

Empower Your Journey to Wellness with Ethos Wellness

At Ethos Wellness, we understand the power of group play therapy. Join us on the journey of self-discovery and unlock your full potential. Call us now to learn more about how our programs can help.

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