Adolescent Programming

In addition to being industry leaders in mental health care, we are moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, caretakers and mentors to adolescents. We understand the psyche of individuals who find themselves in the challenging transition between childhood and adulthood. As behavioral health industry leaders, we care immensely about this age group and feel that addressing mental health with individuals in this life stage is paramount for development and wellbeing. The services we offer for adolescents and their families span far and wide, beyond our PRISM Dialectical Behavioral Therapy IOP.

Family Therapy

Ethos Behavioral Health Group recognizes that the adolescent experience is directly tied to a family system, and our approach is one that treats the whole family. Working from a family system perspective allows us to develop unique and specific interventions to help families get back on track. From learning how to manage relationships to developing communications skills, family skills play a crucial role in the life experience of adolescents and their families. Often, our approach includes family therapy and adolescent individual therapy services, offering a whole-person experience to address mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, and substance use across all ages.. Family therapy is available across all Ethos locations.

Adolescent Process And Skills Groups

Through peer process and skills groups in our adolescent group therapy, we aim to help adolescents develop the skills they need to achieve interpersonal and academic success, while also exploring their own sense of personal identity. In this treatment format, a Master’s level clinician facilitates conversations among small groups of adolescents, working to help them develop meaningful insights, social skills and a sense of community along the way. Process groups meet in-person weekly at The Lovett Center in Montrose and Ethos Wellness – Woodway, and skills groups meet weekly at The PRISM Center. Virtual attendance is an option for all groups.

Current Group Offerings

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Group

Tuesdays, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at The PRISM Center Therapist: Tatiana Martinez

Virtual Adolescent Male Group

Tuesdays, 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Therapist: Ernest Patterson

Virtual Adolescent Dynamic Process Group

Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Therapist: Dana Levy

Adolescent Well – Building Behavioral Health Group

Wednesdays, 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at EW – Woodway Therapist: Ceci Hudson Torn

Anxiety Management Skills for Adolescent Girls

Wednesdays, 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at EW – Woodway Therapist: Paula Paine

Executive Function Skills Group

Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Ethos Wellness – Woodway Facilitator: Casey Casteel


As an evidence-based and non-invasive treatment, Neurotherapy can be beneficial for many physical and mental health issues facing adolescents, including ADHD, attention and executive functioning issues, learning disabilities, depression and anxiety, PTSD and trauma, substance abuse and many more. Clients often turn to Neurotherapy, which involves training our brains to function in a healthier way, when they are having a difficult time finding solutions for their symptoms or are simply looking for a more holistic treatment option.

Academic Support

School is an important part of life for adolescents, vital for success and wellbeing in both their present and future. Every teen deserves the tools to thrive in a learning environment. This mental skill set is referred to as Executive Function, and it includes things like working memory, organization, flexible thinking and self-control, helpful for working, learning and managing tasks. A deficit can cause difficulty focusing, following directions, regulating emotions and managing change. At Ethos, we understand the importance of education in the life of any child or adolescent and offer Individual Executive Function Skills sessions in order to support academic endeavors.

Adolescent psychoeducation
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