Outpatient Rehab for Alcohol Use Disorder Recovery

Learn more about how outpatient alcohol treatment can help you live a happier, healthier life without alcohol here.


Alcohol addiction is a significant problem that’s negatively impacting communities all over the world. In Texas, the concern of alcohol addiction is especially pronounced. Similarly, Chicago faces its peculiar challenges related to alcohol misuse.

Every person’s alcohol addiction experience is unique. As such, when it comes to battling alcohol addiction, one size definitely does not fit all.

There are various paths to recovery from alcohol addiction. Among these, one particular approach that’s gaining traction is outpatient alcohol treatment.

outpatient alcohol treatment

What to Expect from This Article

This article will answer questions like, “What is outpatient alcohol treatment?” We’ll explore its benefits and the prevalence of alcohol use disorder in regions like Texas and Chicago – locations in which our Ethos Wellness team can offer support.

What is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a medical condition characterized by an inability to stop drinking. This drinking habit persists even in the face of severe negative consequences. The disease can range from mild to severe based on various symptoms.1

Alcohol use disorder is also considered a chronic, progressive disease, which means that without treatment, it can worsen over time.
It’s important to note that having AUD is not a moral failing or a lack of willpower. AUD is a medical condition that needs professional treatment. If you suspect you or someone you know has AUD, seeking medical advice for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your needs is crucial.

How Common is Alcohol Use Disorder in Texas and Chicago?

Data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) indicates that in Houston, Texas, one in four people aged 12 and above engaged in binge drinking at least once in the last month.

Furthermore, 369,000 people in this age group were identified as having a substance use disorder within the previous year.2 A separate survey involving Texas students revealed that alcohol outpaces all other drugs in usage, with a 52% prevalence rate.3

Chicago Statistics

Chicago’s statistics show a concerning pattern. About 714,000 people aged 12 or older were diagnosed with a substance use disorder in the past year, representing 9.2% of this demographic.
Chicago also surpasses national averages in binge drinking, with 26.5% of people aged 12 and up partaking at least once in the last month, compared to the national rate of 23.2%.4

Types of AUD

The severity of AUD can vary. The condition is categorized based on the number of symptoms a person exhibits.

The categories of AUD include:
  • Mild: Presence of 2 to 3 symptoms
  • Moderate: Presence of 4 to 5 symptoms
  • Severe: Presence of 6 or more symptoms

Alcohol Use Disorder Symptoms

Alcohol use disorder has marked symptoms that indicate it’s time to get help. Some signs of AUD include the following:

Increased Tolerance

Tolerance is a major symptom of AUD. People with tolerance find out that, over time, they need higher amounts of alcohol to achieve the same effects. This indicates that the body has adapted to increased alcohol levels.

Withdrawal Symptoms

When alcohol consumption gets stopped or reduced, withdrawal symptoms can occur. These include:
  • Nausea
  • Shaking
  • Anxiety

Loss of Control

This includes difficulty in controlling the amount of alcohol consumed. People with alcohol use disorder often end up drinking more than planned.

Neglecting Responsibilities

Alcohol use disorder can also have a marked impact on responsibilities. People with AUD often fail to fulfill significant obligations at work, school, or home due to alcohol use.

Giving Up Activities

This involves abandoning or reducing important social, occupational, or recreational activities due to alcohol use.

Risky Behavior

This refers to when a person uses alcohol in situations where it’s physically hazardous.

Failed Attempts to Quit

This refers to unsuccessful efforts to reduce or control alcohol use.

Strong Cravings for Alcohol

Cravings are a strong desire or urge to use alcohol.5

Alcohol Use Disorder Risk Factors

At this point, it is essential to mention that not everyone who drinks has AUD. But, certain factors can predispose a person to alcohol use disorder.
Below is an overview of these specific risk factors.

Genetic Predisposition

A family history of alcoholism or other substance use disorders can increase the risk of developing AUD.

Environmental Factors

Exposure to environments where excessive drinking is normalized, such as certain social circles or family settings, can contribute to AUD. The availability and affordability of alcohol can also influence the likelihood of developing AUD.

Psychological Factors

Mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder often co-occur with AUD.

Mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder often co-occur with AUD.

Early Exposure

Starting to drink at a young age can heighten the risk of developing alcohol use disorder later in life.

Peer Pressure

Social influence, especially during formative years, can contribute to the onset of drinking behaviors.


High stress levels may lead to alcohol consumption as a coping mechanism, which can escalate into AUD.


Men are generally more at risk for developing AUD. That said, the gap between male and female alcohol use and its related disorders is closing.

Socioeconomic Status

AUD can affect people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. But, lower socioeconomic status has been linked to a higher risk for AUD. This is possibly due to increased stress and limited access to healthcare.

What is Outpatient Alcohol Treatment?

Outpatient alcohol treatment is a flexible form of addiction treatment. This treatment allows people to seek help for their AUD while living at home and maintaining many of their daily activities.
This includes day-to-day activities like:
  • Work
  • School
  • Family responsibilities
Like inpatient treatment, outpatient alcohol treatment clients attend scheduled treatment sessions. But, the difference is they do not stay overnight.

Intensity of Outpatient Alcohol Treatment

Outpatient alcohol treatment programs can vary in intensity, ranging from a few hours a week to several hours daily. They often involve a combination of traditional and holistic treatment approaches.

Key Advantages of Outpatient Alcohol Treatment

Below is an overview of the benefits of outpatient alcohol treatment.


This is one of the most significant advantages of outpatient alcohol treatment. This flexibility is often ideal for those who cannot take extended leave from work or school. It also makes outpatient alcohol treatment perfect for those with many family responsibilities.


Outpatient treatment is often more affordable than inpatient rehab. This is primarily because it eliminates the costs associated with room and board.

Family Involvement

Being close to home allows patients to maintain support from family and friends. This can be a crucial factor in the recovery process. Family counseling sessions are also often incorporated into outpatient programs.

Real-World Application

Outpatient alcohol treatment programs enable patients to apply the skills and strategies they learn in treatment in real-world settings immediately. This can be beneficial for long-term sobriety.

Less Disruptive

Outpatient alcohol treatment can also be less disruptive to your career and personal life. This is because patients don’t have to take an extended leave from everyday life. This can, in turn, reduce stress and make recovery more manageable.

Personalized Treatment

Outpatient programs often offer more flexibility in treatment tailoring. This makes it easier to adhere to the treatment plan.

Continuity of Care

Outpatient alcohol treatment can often be used as a step-down form of care after completing an inpatient program. It offers a more gradual transition back to daily life.


Outpatient treatment allows for greater privacy since patients can return home at the end of each session and do not have to explain an extended absence.

Community Support

Because patients are not isolated from their community, they have the opportunity to build a local support network through various outpatient resources like group therapy and 12-Step programs.

It’s important to note that outpatient alcohol treatment is not suitable for everyone. This is especially true for those with severe AUD or those who have repeatedly relapsed. But, for many people, it provides a practical, flexible, and cost-efficient path to recovery.
outpatient alcohol treatment

Find Effective Outpatient Alcohol Treatment at Ethos Wellness

Alcohol use disorder can be very stressful and tiring to experience. This is especially true if you’re trying to recover independently without help or support. But, you don’t have to do it alone. Ethos Wellness is here to help.

Ethos Wellness is a unique outpatient mental health center that offers compassionate outpatient therapy for navigating emotions, processing life transitions, and exploring the self in relation to others. This includes treating mental and behavioral health issues as well as substance use disorders.

How Does Ethos Wellness Help Decide What’s Best For Me?

At Ethos Wellness, we understand that every alcohol use disorder case is unique. As such, using the same outpatient alcohol treatment will certainly not work. This is why we take special pride in our individualized approach to providing clients with relief and healing from AUD.
This personalized healthcare approach involves the following components:

Comprehensive Assessment

Your first visit to Ethos Wellness starts with a thorough evaluation. This evaluation considers not only your medical history but also your:
  • Lifestyle
  • Mental health
  • Specific needs
This enables us to picture your situation comprehensively and recommend the most effective treatment.

Expert Consultation

Our team of certified specialists, including doctors, therapists, and counselors, are available to discuss your assessment results and the possible courses of treatment, such as:
  • Outpatient alcohol treatment
  • Intensive outpatient rehab
  • A combination of several different therapies

Transparency and Education

We believe that informed patients make the best choices. Our role is simply to present you with your recovery path choices. As such, we will educate you on:
  • The pros and cons of each treatment option
  • What to expect at each stage of recovery
  • How to manage potential setbacks

Ongoing Support and Review

Your journey doesn’t end once a treatment plan is in place. At Ethos Wellness, we provide ongoing support, including periodic reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and make necessary adjustments. We also offer aftercare services to help you maintain long-term sobriety.

What Types of Therapy and Counseling Does Ethos Wellness Offer for AUD?

At Ethos Wellness, we understand that AUD is a multifaceted issue requiring a comprehensive treatment approach. As such, we offer a wide array of therapies and counseling options designed to address both the physiological and psychological aspects of AUD.
Here are some of the treatment modalities we offer:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most widely used forms of therapy for treating AUD. CBT helps you identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with drinking. This method also provides practical skills to cope with triggers and avoid relapse.

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

This patient-centered counseling method focuses on enhancing your motivation to change. By resolving ambivalence about quitting alcohol use, you’ll be better equipped to make positive choices.

Family Therapy

We recognize that addiction often affects more than just the individual. Because of this, we also offer family therapy as an AUD treatment modality. Family therapy involves your loved ones in the treatment process.

This approach can address family dynamics that may contribute to AUD and foster a supportive environment for recovery.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

This form of cognitive-behavioral treatment aims to teach you skills to:
  • Regulate emotions
  • Tolerate distress
  • Improve interpersonal effectiveness
This, in turn, helps reduce the impulsive behaviors often associated with alcohol abuse.

Financial Considerations at Ethos Wellness

Effective outpatient alcohol treatment often isn’t cheap. But, at Ethos Wellness, we believe that financial constraints should not be a barrier to receiving the best possible care for AUD.
To ease the financial burden, we are proud to accept a wide range of insurance plans, including:
  • Aetna
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Cigna/Evernorth
  • Magellan Healthcare
  • United Healthcare.
We offer in-network and out-of-network insurance options, ensuring you can take advantage of your current plan to cover some or even most of your treatment costs.

Contact Ethos Wellness Today

Ethos Wellness is your reliable partner in recovery. Our comprehensive, patient-focused approach ensures you receive the best AUD care possible without worrying about financial constraints. At Ethos Wellness, we’ve got your back.

Reach out to us today, and let us provide you with a safe path forward.

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Questions About Treatment?

Reach out to our Ethos Wellness team today for direction and guidance in your recovery journey. We’re here to provide you with the whole-person, personalized support you need for the sustainable wellness you deserve.